Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cloning Survey

In order to determine some results of my own, I conducted an 8 question short survey. The survey was put on and the link was sent to many Greenhills school students. After about a week 38 people had taken the survey. The results and questions are as followed.

1. In your personal opinion are you for the cloning of humans?
23.7% :Yes, I believe that the cloning of humans is great for the scientific community.
57.9% :Not so sure, I find it strange and am not sure of my opinion.
26.3% :No, the cloning of humans is very wrong in my opinion.

2. In your opinion are you in favor of cloning animals or endangered animal species?
52.6% :Yes, I am completely for the use of cloning on animal.
44.7% :Kind of, I am for it yet still skeptical of its scientific advancements.
7.9% :No, I absolutely oppose the cloning of animals

3. Would you, yourself ever eat cloned meat, fish, fruits of vegetables?
26.3% :Yes, all the above sound delicious.
15.8% :No, none of the above interest me.
23.7% :Fruits or vegetables
42.1% :I do not know yet. I'll have to decide at another point in time.

4. In your own opinion, do you believe cloning is morally wrong?
13.2% :Yes.
57.9% :No.
34.2% :Unsure, I feel uneasy about the topic at hand.

5. How do you feel about the use of cloning to create human organs for people on the transplant list. Is it a good way to reduce the number of deaths of those waiting?
78.9% :Yes.
10.5% :No.
15.8% :Not sure.

6. Are you religious?
42.1% :Yes.
60.5% :No
2.6% :Not sure what you mean by the question.

7. Are you Male or Female?
44.7% :Male
57.9%: Female
2.6% :Rather not say.

8. What age range are you in?
92.1% ;18 or under
0% :19-30
0% :31-40
7.89% :41-50
0% :51-60
0% :61-70
0% :70+