Sunday, May 24, 2009

The debate of cloning

The actual controversy of cloning varies. For example many people believe there is nothing wrong with cloning animals but have a big problem when it comes to the idea of cloning humans. Similarly lies the controversy with religion and the question: "When does life really begin?" Another debate lies in the fact that clones are usually born with abnormalities and are relatively large, making them not only a danger to themselves but to the surrogate mother (1). Problems and disputes over cloning are continuous. Many people are now also concerned over reproduction. Dolly the Sheep had 6 lambs when ewe's normally only have two or three (2). So is this an effect of cloning or just a chance? Scientists do not know the exact answer to the question but regard this as a shocking experience.

The issue of scientists "playing God" as many people call it, always sparks concern. Religious peoples who normally turn to books such as the Bible, Torah, Koran for answers to their questions may not find the answer to cloning easily (4).

According to an MSNBC online survey (3) that asks "In hindsight, what do you think about the cloning of Dolly the sheep? "
-46% believe Dolly's birth remains a landmark scientific achievement.
-29% believe cloning a sheep - or any creature - is wrong and should not be done.
-13% believe that animal cloning doesn't worry them, but are still afraid it could lead to human cloning.
-10% say neat trick, but what's next?
-2.3% say they aren't quite sure.

With percentages so varied, the spectrum ranges from total anti-cloning to pro animal cloning but not human cloning to pro-cloning. In my personal opinion I'm not quite sure what I think yet. I feel that cloning is a way to excel science, a way to learn by experimentation. Yet at the same time I'm not sure i would like to see human cloned. To me the cloning animals like Dolly is an amazing breakthrough, yet the cloning of humans may be for a different time in the near future.

1. "Is human cloning legal?" The Royal Society - the UK's national academy of science. 19 May 2009 .

2. "Ananova - Supermum sheep Dolly has six lambs." Ananova - 19 May 2009 .

3. "Dolly's cloning: Good science or bad news? - Breaking Bioethics-" Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- 19 May 2009 .

4. "Religions reveal little consensus on cloning - Beyond Dolly: Human Cloning-" Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- 19 May 2009 .